Ethos Anthropos Daimon
The 10 Day Masters – The BaziQueen Primer

The 10 Day Masters – The BaziQueen Primer

Material on the 10 Day Masters is both overwhelming in quantity and scarce in quality. YouTube is awash with information about the 10 Day Masters. So much so that for most people, this is like the most meh part of...

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The Great Migration…

The Great Migration…

...Has begun. At the start of 2020, I started doing Zoom classes. And with that, came the idea of the Great Digital Migration. Moving a lot of my teachings and material online. In...

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Will it be 45 or 46 on November 3rd?

Will it be 45 or 46 on November 3rd?

One of the things I do on this blog is I PREDICT. I particularly love predicting elections and have regularly been predicting the US Presidential elections since 2008 when Barack Obama won (and I got it wrong). I did...

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BaziQueen ZOOMS!

BaziQueen ZOOMS!

Well I've finally decided to take the plunge. After a couple of auditions with close friends, ZOOM with the BAZIQUEEN SERIES is finally here.   Here is the list of sessions. For the first time, i'll be actually...

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Covid through the lens of BaZi (Part 1)

Covid through the lens of BaZi (Part 1)

This is going to be a random gallivant through the whole Covid19 landscape...and I've realised probably my first article of the year. That resolution to write more is seriously falling off the to-do list. I will...

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Musings 2019 (Part 3)

Musings 2019 (Part 3)

Addendum: One month after I published this post, articles began appearing on Tim Cook's pay drop.

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Musings 2019 (Part 1)

Musings 2019 (Part 1)

My blog has been much neglected in 2019. Here's to hoping I have more time to devote to it in 2020. --- Early on this year, I did a forecast for a financial institution on certain economic elements of 2019. Here is a...

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Resistance is Futile (not)

Resistance is Futile (not)

I keep the postbox feature on this blog open because oftentimes, I never know what kinds of questions I get. Sometimes the questions are a little sly (people trying to sneak in a "Reading" under the pretext of "a...

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Sheep…Dog…or SheepDog?

Sheep…Dog…or SheepDog?

Those who have heard me speak in class will know that i love animal analogies to explain workplace and career-related matters within a BaZi context. Behold my latest analogy: the sheep-dog-sheepdog theory. Sheep,...

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