Big Idea vs Small Idea

Call it the curse of Chinese Metaphysics. Just as students of Feng Shui are obsessed with ‘The Formula’, so students of BaZi are obsessed with ‘The Technique’. In my recent M2 class, any mention of an advanced approach or technique often makes...

The Dirty on the Peach Blossom Star

A reader sent me a great list of questions about Peach Blossom Stars to answer.  I thought that instead of writing the answer to just her, I’d print them here, and answer them. Ok, when is it extremely auspicious when a peach blossom is in your chart? The word...

From one 乙 Wood to another 乙 Wood…

Who else would know how to  save the face of a Yi Wood, but another Yi Wood? In a sense, it was win win. Both got leverage and mileage out of the event. Clinton ostensibly was there just to bring back the two journalists but has re-established his international man of...