This Thing Called Compatibility…

This is one of the interesting questions I received via e mail a couple of days after opening up an e mail address for my blog (name withheld) Can you tell me something about compatibility analysis using BaZi? Have just come off a relationship with someone, and also...

Type 'BaZi'…Hit 'Search'…

Was taking a look at the blog stats that WordPress supplies and it’s been interesting to see what kind of search terms people are using to find this blog. Here’s a sampling from the last couple of days. It’s interesting that BaZi Rob Wealth appears...

The new month doesn't start for another 2 days…

I have gotten a few emails on why I haven’t updated the monthly romance outlook yet on baziforlove. The Chinese calendar doesn’t work in lockstep with the English calendar, with usually 5-7 days of a lag between moving from one month to another. Hence the...